Vendor Participation

Vendor members are required to meet three of the following five criteria to be eligible to renew membership for the following year (will be mandated only if there is a waiting list):
  1. Company be represented at least 50% of AAFAME annual Monthly Luncheon.
  2. Have a table at the annual Expo.
  3. Volunteer ten hours on AAFAME committees or projects.
  4. Sponsor a cumulative $350 financial support (other than dues) of AAFAME activities.
  5. Recruit one new engineer member to AAFAME.
While on the waiting list, the vendor company may participate in AAFAME activities as follows:
  1. Only one person from the company may attend monthly luncheons
  2. The company may have teams in the annual Chili Slam event at the same cost as members.
  3. The company may have a table in the annual Expo, but only if tables are still available two weeks prior to the event.
  4. May sponsor the Chili Slam at a premium rate two weeks after the initial announcement is sent to active vendors
  5. Be included in the “Waiting List” section of the annual printed Membership Directory
Please contact our office if you have questions.  Admin at